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Weekly Photo Challenge: From Above

Ijen Crater, is one of the magnificent mountain in East Java. I got this picture by flying from Bali to Jakarta, and thanks God, You gave me a clear sky while above the sky. So, I post this photo because for me, this is one of my best shot From Above.

13 tanggapan pada “Weekly Photo Challenge: From Above”

  1. senangsenangyuks – Hi

    Keren banget, bisa dapet foto sekeren ini beruntung.
    Btw, hi Fauzi, ini yuna yg dari Little Orange World account, cuma buat blog lain yang versi Indonesia, hehehe.. *lagi doyan keliling blog*

  2. ZaraAB Travel – Asia Oceania – I'm the author for the blog ZaraAB Travel http://zaraab.wordpress.com Husband And Wife All Around The Globe #zaraabtravel

    Ini gambar dari pesawat from Jakarta to Bali? Keren bangat nie! MasyaAllah!

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